Apparition – A spirit in recognizably human form.
Data Loggers – Digital data recorders that take continuous snapshots of environmental conditions, including temperature, dew point, humidity and EMF.
EMF – Electromagnetic fields. High EMF can occur naturally in the presence of computer screens, cell phones or power lines — and in homes with faulty wiring. However, sudden EMF spikes without electrical explanation can signal the presence of a paranormal entity.
Entity – A spiritual being that may have been human once, but is no longer alive.
Era Cues – Everyday Paranormal’s theory that you can elevate paranormal activity from spirits of a certain era by presenting familiar stimuli.
EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP, refers to voices or sounds captured using digital audio recorders that can detect sounds below the threshold of human perception. In the paranormal world, under the correct conditions, these sounds are considered to be voices from beyond the grave. A "Class A" EVP is an EVP clearly audible and discernible on playback without digital enhancement.
Intelligent Haunting – A haunting is deemed to be intelligent when a spirit is shown to interact or respond to those in the physical world.
K-2 Meter – The -2 EMF meter uses flashing lights to signal an increase in electromagnetic energy.
Linear Sweep – A linear sweep involves placing data loggers in a straight line down a hall or stairwell. The data loggers take a reading every five seconds, so if any unknown entity were to pass through, the data loggers would capture it and record its exact movement.
Orb – An orb is a ball or circle of light that is usually found in videos or photographs. Some believe that an orb is the energy or the spirit of an individual who has passed. Orbs are generally not considered to be authentic paranormal evidence; rather they are often reflections or dust.
Residual Haunting – As opposed to intelligent hauntings, entities do not show awareness of the living world. Residual activity generally involves "playing back" routines from an entity’s daily life.
Saturation – The first wave of a paranormal investigation, involving photographs and establishing baseline readings of environmental levels in absence of perceivable paranormal activity.
Shadow People – Shadow people are mysterious dark shadows in human form that appear in pictures or video, but may be invisible to the naked eye. It is thought that these spirits do not have enough energy to materialize as full-bodied apparitions.
Shotgun Sweep – Placing digital data loggers throughout a specific location (like shotgun pellets) to record changes in the environment that may indicate the presence of paranormal activity.
VP – Voice phenomena that are within the range of audible human perception. These phenomena are believed to represent an even higher level of energy than EVP.
* Terminology courtesy of Everyday Paranormal
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