Dr, Norman Baker invented the Tangely Calliphone making his fortune enabling him eventually to purchase to CRESCENT HOTEL and convert it into a hospital where he claimed he could cure cancer without operations. In the photo above we see bakers Calliphone that he had in his radio station and alos see him playing the piano. It is clear that he loved music and may have been somewhat accomplished as a musician. I am sorry for the poor image quality, however this photo was photocopied from the book Doctors, Dynamiters, and Gunmen: The Life Story of Norman Baker - A Fact Story of Injustices, Confiscation and Suppression and the image in the book was poor.
What is a Calliaphone? The name originates from the name of Calliope, pronounced /kəˈlaɪ.əpi/, from the Greek for beautiful voiced. In Greek mythology, Calliope was a daughter of Zeus, chief of the Muses and mother of Orpheus. (Wikipedia)
They produce the sounds so familiar to us all from the circus parades of yesterday. Loud, being able to be heard sometimes for miles away.
They are still made today and can even be purchased at the minercompany
View this video to hear its lovely sound. Baker made his first fortune with this invention.
Norman G. Baker (born 1882 in Muscatine, Iowa, died 1958 in Florida, buried in Muscatine) inventor, and a self-proclaimed doctor. claimed to be able to cure cancer without operations or radiation. He was convicted of federal mail fraud in 1940. Learn about the man that to this day HAUNTS the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs. Read all about GHOSTS and other paranormal topics!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
What is a SHADOW GHOST? Who are the shadow people?
Shadow people are considered to be dark entities and evil beings, such as a demon that possibly have non-human life forms. They are being spotted with increasing frequency all around the world and there is much interest in what they are. I have researched them a bit and wish to share what I learned. I have experienced these quite a bit in the past three years, thankfully not as much since I left the landmark hotel where I had my vintage clothing boutique and art gallery. There these dark figures swarmed the high ceilings and after I closed my stores, many of them followed me to my home.
Shadow people have been put into three types,while others believe there are up to 8, such as Jason Offutt author of
Darkness Walks: The Shadow People Among Us
Type 1 - they show themselves as a small dark misty cloud approximately under two feet in length, but can float up to 8 feet high.
Type 2 - they tend to appear as a big blob of thick cloudy mass ranging from 2 to 8 feet in height.
Type 3 - often seen in human form even sometimes wearing a hat.
Shadow ghosts generally appear as the name suggests, as a shadow.These ghosts look somewhat like Ecto-mist but are gray or black.When looking at a photographs for ghosts be-careful to not confuse them with natural shadows. A careful review is necessary. It is said that a shadow ghost is sneaky and evasive. When one is seen it might be out of the corner of your eye. I for one have seen most of them this way. In addition a sense that someone or something has passed is generally felt.
I have read that they can also be spotted as a reflection in shinny objects such as a mirror . They are the rarest ghost to catch on film, due to there elusive nature. However observe the reaction that your cat or bird might have, for they are very sensitive to them.
There is strong speculation that these shadow people are really demons, and this is the view that I tend to agree with, at least one type of them are. From my own experience I have never felt non threatened or unafraid when I have spotted one of these out of the corner of my eye. In fact my most traumatic experience was when I saw one on my front porch in a hunched position , holding its knees, it appeared naked and I saw an outline of black wings, this all happened in a matter of minutes. but I was terrified. I have never forgotten it.
It happened shortly after leaving the very haunted landmark hotel, and I am certain that it followed me home. It could not pass the threshold of my house however.
In An interview with author Jason Offutt about these eerie entities Stephen Wagner, About.com Guide we learn a bit more about these creatures
Q: The “shadow people” phenomenon seems to be fairly widespread. Do you think they are related to what we generally consider ghost and haunting phenomena?Jason: Yes and no. From my research, I've found shadow people fit into many different paranormal categories, ghosts / hauntings being only one. However, many shadow people encounters do seem to mirror ghost encounters and are the most common [type of] shadow person encounters: a blacker-than-night, human-shaped shadow that people see walking through their bedroom, hallway, living room, etc. These shadow people are the most benign, usually not taking notice of those who observe them. Read more
Follow From the Shadows True tales of the Paranormal by Jason Offutt
Monday, August 23, 2010
Apparition – A spirit in recognizably human form.
Data Loggers – Digital data recorders that take continuous snapshots of environmental conditions, including temperature, dew point, humidity and EMF.
EMF – Electromagnetic fields. High EMF can occur naturally in the presence of computer screens, cell phones or power lines — and in homes with faulty wiring. However, sudden EMF spikes without electrical explanation can signal the presence of a paranormal entity.
Entity – A spiritual being that may have been human once, but is no longer alive.
Era Cues – Everyday Paranormal’s theory that you can elevate paranormal activity from spirits of a certain era by presenting familiar stimuli.
EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP, refers to voices or sounds captured using digital audio recorders that can detect sounds below the threshold of human perception. In the paranormal world, under the correct conditions, these sounds are considered to be voices from beyond the grave. A "Class A" EVP is an EVP clearly audible and discernible on playback without digital enhancement.
Intelligent Haunting – A haunting is deemed to be intelligent when a spirit is shown to interact or respond to those in the physical world.
K-2 Meter – The -2 EMF meter uses flashing lights to signal an increase in electromagnetic energy.
Linear Sweep – A linear sweep involves placing data loggers in a straight line down a hall or stairwell. The data loggers take a reading every five seconds, so if any unknown entity were to pass through, the data loggers would capture it and record its exact movement.
Orb – An orb is a ball or circle of light that is usually found in videos or photographs. Some believe that an orb is the energy or the spirit of an individual who has passed. Orbs are generally not considered to be authentic paranormal evidence; rather they are often reflections or dust.
Residual Haunting – As opposed to intelligent hauntings, entities do not show awareness of the living world. Residual activity generally involves "playing back" routines from an entity’s daily life.
Saturation – The first wave of a paranormal investigation, involving photographs and establishing baseline readings of environmental levels in absence of perceivable paranormal activity.
Shadow People – Shadow people are mysterious dark shadows in human form that appear in pictures or video, but may be invisible to the naked eye. It is thought that these spirits do not have enough energy to materialize as full-bodied apparitions.
Shotgun Sweep – Placing digital data loggers throughout a specific location (like shotgun pellets) to record changes in the environment that may indicate the presence of paranormal activity.
VP – Voice phenomena that are within the range of audible human perception. These phenomena are believed to represent an even higher level of energy than EVP.
* Terminology courtesy of Everyday Paranormal
Data Loggers – Digital data recorders that take continuous snapshots of environmental conditions, including temperature, dew point, humidity and EMF.
EMF – Electromagnetic fields. High EMF can occur naturally in the presence of computer screens, cell phones or power lines — and in homes with faulty wiring. However, sudden EMF spikes without electrical explanation can signal the presence of a paranormal entity.
Entity – A spiritual being that may have been human once, but is no longer alive.
Era Cues – Everyday Paranormal’s theory that you can elevate paranormal activity from spirits of a certain era by presenting familiar stimuli.
EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP, refers to voices or sounds captured using digital audio recorders that can detect sounds below the threshold of human perception. In the paranormal world, under the correct conditions, these sounds are considered to be voices from beyond the grave. A "Class A" EVP is an EVP clearly audible and discernible on playback without digital enhancement.
Intelligent Haunting – A haunting is deemed to be intelligent when a spirit is shown to interact or respond to those in the physical world.
K-2 Meter – The -2 EMF meter uses flashing lights to signal an increase in electromagnetic energy.
Linear Sweep – A linear sweep involves placing data loggers in a straight line down a hall or stairwell. The data loggers take a reading every five seconds, so if any unknown entity were to pass through, the data loggers would capture it and record its exact movement.
Orb – An orb is a ball or circle of light that is usually found in videos or photographs. Some believe that an orb is the energy or the spirit of an individual who has passed. Orbs are generally not considered to be authentic paranormal evidence; rather they are often reflections or dust.
Residual Haunting – As opposed to intelligent hauntings, entities do not show awareness of the living world. Residual activity generally involves "playing back" routines from an entity’s daily life.
Saturation – The first wave of a paranormal investigation, involving photographs and establishing baseline readings of environmental levels in absence of perceivable paranormal activity.
Shadow People – Shadow people are mysterious dark shadows in human form that appear in pictures or video, but may be invisible to the naked eye. It is thought that these spirits do not have enough energy to materialize as full-bodied apparitions.
Shotgun Sweep – Placing digital data loggers throughout a specific location (like shotgun pellets) to record changes in the environment that may indicate the presence of paranormal activity.
VP – Voice phenomena that are within the range of audible human perception. These phenomena are believed to represent an even higher level of energy than EVP.
* Terminology courtesy of Everyday Paranormal
EMF emissions,
Ghost terms,
intelligent haunting,
K-C meter,
residual haunting,
shadow people,
What is a ghost meter and EMF ?
The Ghost Meter has been calibrated to ignore the extremely subtle EMF emissions surrounding the human body, yet is still sensitive enough to detect the small, distinct, erratic EMF energy fluctuations frequently found at reputed haunted locations. The Ghost Meter provides three corroborating indicators of EMF emission strength. A needle based display, LED lights, and an adjustable audio signal. The response time of this meter is excellent, easily outperforming more expensive EMF meters. It can also be operated in silent mode so it doesn't interfere with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) recordings or distract other investigators during an investigation.
We purchased this ghost meter while at our stay at the Crescent hotel in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
It is the same meter that our guide used while on our ghost tour. Until I purcahsed one of these I was skeptical of its use. Although the guide showed us a rather good demonstration, showing how it peeps off the chart when placed near an electric object, such as a clock radio for instance and how it does not peep when placed about three feet from the very same object. He would hold it to various objects in the room, a window, picture or chair, and it would not peep.
I believed that there must be some gimmick in it all when at various times during the tour it peeped like crazy when there was no apparent electric source. I purchased one and we used it the next day after our evening tour. We learned that it is a sensitive device and indeed peeps when it shouldn't. We enjoyed this very much. If you are going to stay at the CRESCENT HOTEL I suggest that one of these is purchased. After the tour it is great fun to explore the halls and retest the findings of the evening.
The meter is meant to pick up EMF which is occur naturally in the presence of computer screens, cell phones or power lines — and in homes with faulty wiring. However, sudden EMF spikes without electrical explanation can signal the presence of a paranormal entity.This is different from EVP .
What is EVP?
EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP, refers to voices or sounds captured using digital audio recorders that can detect sounds below the threshold of human perception. In the paranormal world, under the correct conditions, these sounds are considered to be voices from beyond the grave. A "Class A" EVP is an EVP clearly audible and discernible on playback without digital enhancement.
I found this very useful review about this ghost meter from AMAZON and would like to share it
Every paranormal investigator or ghost hunter relies heavily on their equipment to conduct thorough and credible investigation. The very best that any investigator could hope for is finding an inexpensive piece of equipment that's a reliable indicator of paranormal activity. The Ghost meter by the makers of CellSensor may not be the only or the most important tool an investigator needs, but after using it in the field for several months, I'm convinced that it comes close.
This meter has quickly become a favorite investigation tool of Ghost hunters all over the country. This is due to its low cost, simplicity of use, low or no light capabilities, compact size, sensitivity, durability, and reliability for measuring fluctuations and intensities of electromagnetic energy fields.
So why are paranormal investigators interested in detecting the fluctuations and relative strengths of these fields? All matter is composed of electrical particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons), and all electrical charges are surrounded by a magnetic field. Together, these electrical charges and magnetic fields create measurable electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy fields are commonly called EMFs. Even the human body is surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field. Normally, higher EMF emissions are created whenever man-made electrical power flows through a wire, conductor, or appliance. These electromagnetic fields cannot be seen, felt, or heard, but they are present in and around all electric lines and devices. EMF meters easily detect and identify the higher energy fields surrounding electrical equipment because man-made fields remain constant. However, electromagnetic fields at haunted locations tend to be erratic and fluctuate in strength rather than remain constant like man-made EMFs. They also occur where there is no obvious man made source of EMF such as a house with the electricity turned off. My experience using the Ghost Meter in residences where my team disconnected all man-made power sources confirms my belief that unexplained paranormal electromagnetic energy fields are detected and measured by this meter. One caveat; the exact nature of the connection between erratic, fluctuating EMFs and paranormal activity is still not well understood and borders on speculation. Hopefully as more people and groups seriously investigate hauntings and the paranormal this connection will become better understood and scientifically repeatable.
Two of the most interesting and useful applications of this product are:
1. Using the meter in conjunction with cameras, audio and video recorders. This very often yields successful results. For instance, when anomalous EMFs are detected the investigator should take photos, record audio, or shoot video in hopes of documenting an anomaly.
2. Using the detector as a spiritual communication device. Many ghost hunting clubs are using this detector as a communication device. I have personally seen this meter repeatedly spike into the high 50+ milligauss range and then drop back to the normal range in response to questions asked at investigation sites.
This device uses a single 9 volt battery and draws minimal battery power during operation. The meter is activated by pressing a button on the top of the case and will stay operational until the button is pressed again.
From tests conducted by my team The Ghost Meter and the K-II EMF Meter are calibrated almost identically. We use both to "sweep" a location in search of fluctuating EMFs and then employ a pair of them as a "check and balance system" after the epicenter of the energy field has been located.
My ultimate opinion after extensive use of this meter is that it is practical and affordable and is about the only game in town when it comes to investigating in low light conditions especially with accuracy and the use of only hand. One or two of these EMF meters should definitely be included in your essential ghost hunting equipment!
Inexpensive. Lightweight. Compact size. Ergonomic design. Silent mode. Three indicators of EMF field strength. Bright LEDS visible day or night. Simple to use. Durable construction. Long lasting battery. Possible spirit communication device.
Will pick up cell phone tower communications so cell phones must be turned off and left elsewhere during investigations. The plastic body will not survive intact when dropped from a high distance onto a hard surface such as concrete (speaking from experience).
Provided from http://www.kennandamy.com
We purchased this ghost meter while at our stay at the Crescent hotel in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
It is the same meter that our guide used while on our ghost tour. Until I purcahsed one of these I was skeptical of its use. Although the guide showed us a rather good demonstration, showing how it peeps off the chart when placed near an electric object, such as a clock radio for instance and how it does not peep when placed about three feet from the very same object. He would hold it to various objects in the room, a window, picture or chair, and it would not peep.
I believed that there must be some gimmick in it all when at various times during the tour it peeped like crazy when there was no apparent electric source. I purchased one and we used it the next day after our evening tour. We learned that it is a sensitive device and indeed peeps when it shouldn't. We enjoyed this very much. If you are going to stay at the CRESCENT HOTEL I suggest that one of these is purchased. After the tour it is great fun to explore the halls and retest the findings of the evening.
The meter is meant to pick up EMF which is occur naturally in the presence of computer screens, cell phones or power lines — and in homes with faulty wiring. However, sudden EMF spikes without electrical explanation can signal the presence of a paranormal entity.This is different from EVP .
What is EVP?
EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP, refers to voices or sounds captured using digital audio recorders that can detect sounds below the threshold of human perception. In the paranormal world, under the correct conditions, these sounds are considered to be voices from beyond the grave. A "Class A" EVP is an EVP clearly audible and discernible on playback without digital enhancement.
I found this very useful review about this ghost meter from AMAZON and would like to share it
Every paranormal investigator or ghost hunter relies heavily on their equipment to conduct thorough and credible investigation. The very best that any investigator could hope for is finding an inexpensive piece of equipment that's a reliable indicator of paranormal activity. The Ghost meter by the makers of CellSensor may not be the only or the most important tool an investigator needs, but after using it in the field for several months, I'm convinced that it comes close.
This meter has quickly become a favorite investigation tool of Ghost hunters all over the country. This is due to its low cost, simplicity of use, low or no light capabilities, compact size, sensitivity, durability, and reliability for measuring fluctuations and intensities of electromagnetic energy fields.
So why are paranormal investigators interested in detecting the fluctuations and relative strengths of these fields? All matter is composed of electrical particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons), and all electrical charges are surrounded by a magnetic field. Together, these electrical charges and magnetic fields create measurable electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy fields are commonly called EMFs. Even the human body is surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field. Normally, higher EMF emissions are created whenever man-made electrical power flows through a wire, conductor, or appliance. These electromagnetic fields cannot be seen, felt, or heard, but they are present in and around all electric lines and devices. EMF meters easily detect and identify the higher energy fields surrounding electrical equipment because man-made fields remain constant. However, electromagnetic fields at haunted locations tend to be erratic and fluctuate in strength rather than remain constant like man-made EMFs. They also occur where there is no obvious man made source of EMF such as a house with the electricity turned off. My experience using the Ghost Meter in residences where my team disconnected all man-made power sources confirms my belief that unexplained paranormal electromagnetic energy fields are detected and measured by this meter. One caveat; the exact nature of the connection between erratic, fluctuating EMFs and paranormal activity is still not well understood and borders on speculation. Hopefully as more people and groups seriously investigate hauntings and the paranormal this connection will become better understood and scientifically repeatable.
Two of the most interesting and useful applications of this product are:
1. Using the meter in conjunction with cameras, audio and video recorders. This very often yields successful results. For instance, when anomalous EMFs are detected the investigator should take photos, record audio, or shoot video in hopes of documenting an anomaly.
2. Using the detector as a spiritual communication device. Many ghost hunting clubs are using this detector as a communication device. I have personally seen this meter repeatedly spike into the high 50+ milligauss range and then drop back to the normal range in response to questions asked at investigation sites.
This device uses a single 9 volt battery and draws minimal battery power during operation. The meter is activated by pressing a button on the top of the case and will stay operational until the button is pressed again.
From tests conducted by my team The Ghost Meter and the K-II EMF Meter are calibrated almost identically. We use both to "sweep" a location in search of fluctuating EMFs and then employ a pair of them as a "check and balance system" after the epicenter of the energy field has been located.
My ultimate opinion after extensive use of this meter is that it is practical and affordable and is about the only game in town when it comes to investigating in low light conditions especially with accuracy and the use of only hand. One or two of these EMF meters should definitely be included in your essential ghost hunting equipment!
Inexpensive. Lightweight. Compact size. Ergonomic design. Silent mode. Three indicators of EMF field strength. Bright LEDS visible day or night. Simple to use. Durable construction. Long lasting battery. Possible spirit communication device.
Will pick up cell phone tower communications so cell phones must be turned off and left elsewhere during investigations. The plastic body will not survive intact when dropped from a high distance onto a hard surface such as concrete (speaking from experience).
Provided from http://www.kennandamy.com
cresent hotel,
dr norman baker,
EMF emissions,
ghost detector,
ghost meter,
ghost tour,
what is EMF
Saturday, August 21, 2010
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